As a manager in an American bank, I master major challenges every day. I try to promote my health through regular sport and a healthy diet. About 4-5 years ago, I realized the importance of micronutrients after an analysis by Essentixx. Since I have been taking individualized micronutrients, my well-being and performance have improved significantly. I have since been spared significant illnesses, including colds and middle ear infections, which used to affect me frequently. I am also convinced that cell renewal in my body is taking place at a higher level, which makes me confident about the future, as I believe that these changes are long-term and will improve my health sustainably.

Miodrag SumonjaGlobal Corporate Banker

My experience with esentiXX? Simply ingenious! The three corona vaccinations and a corona infection caused me considerable health problems, which manifested themselves in increasing gastrointestinal complaints and reduced performance. Fortunately, gastroscopy and colonoscopy were inconclusive, and so after the extraordinarily differentiated esentiXX diagnosis I decided to carry out a detoxification and stabilisation of my body together with Kamala Boger. After only a few weeks, my gastrointestinal tract had calmed down. I was fully able to work again and was even able to take care of my grandchildren when their parents fell ill with Corona, in addition to my various tasks. A thousand thanks for making me feel well and fit again!

Dr. h.c.Beate HeraeusChairwoman of the Board of the Heraeus Education Foundation,President Senckenberg Nature Research Society